Monday, August 31, 2009

Toilet Tiles [Toilettegels] [Azulejos de banheiro]

A mother helps her child.

Restaurant Caracol, Terschelling. After a relative long absence my son comes back from toilet.

- And... how was it my son ?
- Good. (laugh)
- What took you so long ?
- Uh. Nothing. Hehehe.
- Tell me.
- Er... There were men on the walls. They were doing poo and peeing.
- What are you saying ?
- At the toilet, yeah. Also a boy doing it on the floor, with a mama holding him.
- We are going back there, I need to check that !

I found it curious. Lots of tiles on the ladies' and gents' picturing old drawings from people doing their needs in the open space.
Achei curioso o que meus filhos contaram sobre o que "as figuras nas paredes estavam fazendo". Nos azulejos, tanto no banheiro masculino como no feminino, estavam impressas reproduções de antigas desenhos:personagens fazendo suas necessidades ao ar livre.
I am not going to start here in this post about the history and origins of toilets and different habits around the world. I do not want to be judgemental either. Some of you may find the images on the tiles disturbing or just bleargh ! - I find it unique and funny.
Não vou começar nesse post a contar a historia e origens to banheiro, toaletes e afins. Ha muita informação na net. Alguns de vocês podem achar os desenhos nesses azulejos perturbadores - eu acho tudo original e engraçado.
I have to say it was a spacious and spotless restroom. The tiles give a touch of humour.
O banheiro era grande e limpíssimo. Os azulejos deram um toque de irreverência ao lugar.

At home, our toilet has had a small renovation a while ago. I didn't know about such tiles then. I would go for them. My husband... not at all.
O nosso toalete foi reformado um tempo atrás. Eu ainda não conhecia esse tema para azulejos, arriscaria mesmo a colocá-los em casa. Marido disse que não gostou não !

I like this elegant irreverence in interior decoration. But that is me - I have grown up with people saying I was strange and weird.
Gente, eu adoro uma certa irreverência na decoração de interiores. Mas isso e' um traço típico meu: eu não gosto do que a maioria gosta. E algumas vezes - muitas ate' - já ouvi dizerem que eu era "estranha" e "esquisita".

Fancy it ? Or is it gross ? My children loved them !
Gostou ? Não gostou ? Ficou enjoado (a) ? Com nojinho ?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Caracol, Terschelling

Great restaurant in the Dutch island of Terscheling: Caracol, where traditional Portuguese dishes are served in a very nice sphere. Above: a salm bonbon filled with fish tartar and a lavender crisp. Below, caldeirada. To finalise the evening some of us had crème brulée . I will be talking more about this restaurant- and Terschelling - in my next post. So keep tuned.
Have a nice weekend you all !

Um restaurante muito bom (entre tantos) na ilha holandesa de Terschelling é o Caracol. Pratos tradicionais portugueses são servidos num ambiente bem elegante, vale a pena visitá-lo. Na primeira foto eu tive uma entrada chamada bonbon de salmão recheado com tartar de peixe e um crocante de alfazema. Depois fui de caldeirada. Pra finalizar, crème brulée (nunca tinha visto servido assim: retangular). Tudo super, recomendo ! Eu vou falar mais sobre esse restaurante e sobre Terschelling num próximo post, fiquem ligados. Tenham um ótimo finde !!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Garden Features

Today, like every Wednesday, I have my day off. So I can relax a bit, go to supermarket, organize personal tasks and go to the net. On the way to my child's school I peek into gardens a lot. Look at this one: the area in front of a house is quite small and the flowers are very low maintenance. Small it is, however still looks pretty. I will come with more interesting garden features later.

Toda quarta eu não trabalho e é o dia que faço mais fotos, quando dá bom tempo. Sempre que tenho que levar meu mais velho à escola vou dando uma olhada pros jardins. Esse em frente à janela principal tem uma área bem pequena. E ficou lindo, super prático e fácil de manter ! Só uma peça em ferro (um bombeador de agua) e algumas flores. Vou mostrar outros jardins descolados mais tarde ainda esse ano. Um abraço e me aguardem !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summertime & Swimming Lessons

Usually I do not get personal at this blog space. Some Brazilian bloggers have already remarked I am quite "neutral" in my posts. That I am not "pro" or "against" certain Dutch facts/habits/situations. (I can tell you: I can sometimes whine SO MUCH). I just report certain things and leave the reader to reach his/her conclusions or investigate further.

Well, I need to ventilate something now.

We have had nice vacations in Brazil. Especially my kids, they love a swimming pool and my oldest son was springing into it already very early in the morning, together with my mom. We found it great, because he was going to start intensive lessons soon. Every Saturday afternoon during 12 weeks. He has had an exam last Saturday, together with other kids. Before the tests, before our vacation in Brazil we were informed that in order to be accepted in the course he would have to do two things in the exam: be able to spring into water and also be able to put his head in water. He did that in Brazil. He did that a lot, on a daily basis. Since his birth he is used to be in swimming pools in hotels and clubs.

He failed in his "exam".

Reason ? He had to float on his back and also perform several movements. He was "not comfortable about floating, his neck was tense" the examinators told my husband afterwards. Other children were not aproved either, and parents got disturbed and started to defend them. My husband just walked away and when arrived home he scheduled a new test for our son in November. My son told me he actually liked the "exam". He sometimes lays on the floor and shows us the series of moves he had to do then. He said it was "leuk" (nice).

This reminds me about my driving exams. During the feedback (after my second faillure) the examinator said: "You dind't have major technical mistakes, and I was feeling comfortable sitting next to you. But no. Not this time." This kind of exams and the attitude/level of demands from the (Dutch) examinators' side puzzles me. Do you have to be a fish before applying to a (intensive) course to learn how to swim ? Have lots of experience in the heavy traffic when you apply for your driver's license ? Have lived in Holland many years and speak some Dutch BEFORE following a Dutch course ? Tsk, tsk, tsk... That's why there is so much stress in this country (or used to be). Burn out, suicides, etc.

I am not emotional about my childs episode. He is (very) cool about it, my husband is (very) cool about it, so I am okay. But my parents do not understand it. My friends either. I even had to defend the situation form the examinator's point-of-view.

I think I am definitely integrated. Yes, now that I ventilated my reaction - or final acceptance? - about this episode... I think I relate to Dutch people/views more and more. I am definitely enjoying two cultures, I make a good bridge between the Dutch and Brazilian view. That's why so many people consider my blog "neutral".

...Or maybe not ? (Hey come on ! A child can learn how to float very quickly). Will it take my whole life to think like Dutch ? I hope I stop here with my genetic mutation. Help !

Galera, geralmente eu não falo de coisas pessoais nesse blog. Algumas blogueiras (e blogueiros também) já comentaram que eu nunca expresso fortes opiniões nesse espaço. Que eu sou neutra e apresento os hábitos, situações e fatos de maneira imparcial (não concordo totalmente) e deixo os leitores tirarem suas próprias conclusões. Olha, posso revelar uma coisa: as vezes, muitas vezes eu tenho reações passionais e reclamo pra caramba das pessoas e das coisas. Só que por aqui eu procuro deixar o leitor livre pra dizer o que pensa. A maior parte das reações ou quase todas acho ate muito educada. A polemica rola mais la no Inteirativa.

Pois é. Mas agora preciso soltar algo.

Tivemos ótimas ferias no Brasil e talz. Especialmente minhas crianças. Adoram a piscina dos meus pais e o meu mais velho já queria cair na piscina as seis da matina com minha mãe. OTEMO pois ele teria que começar um curso intensivo de natação depois das ferias, aqui na Holanda. Todo Sábado a tarde toda, durante 12 semanas. O requerimento pra fazer o curso seria passar no teste. Duas coisas a serem realizadas no teste: a criança querer entrar na água sozinha e também não ter medo em afundar a cabeça na água. Ele praticou isso pra caramba no Brasil. Alias, desde o nascimento ele "nada" com a gente (com boinhas nos braços, claro) em piscinas de hotéis, clubes e eventualmente na piscina dos meus pais no Brasil.

Ele não foi aprovado no exame.

A razão ? Tinha que flutuar "discostas" e também realizar uma serie de movimentos. Nadar um pouquinho "que nem um sapinho", flutuar e bater as pernas, etc. O examinador contou a meu marido que ele "não se sentiu confortável em flutuar e bater as pernas, o pescoço ficou muito tenso". Muitas outras crianças também não foram aprovadas, e muitos pais se revoltaram, queriam motivos mais concretos. Meu marido passou ziper na boca e se pirulitou de fininho. Chegando em casa foi pro computador e agendou uma nova provinha pra final de novembro (há lista de espera para as provas). Meu filho de 5 anos fala que gostou da brincadeira. Que quer fazer de novo. As vezes ate deita no chão e mostra o que teve de fazer. Fala que foi legal.

E ai eu começo a me lembrar do meu exame pra tirar a carteira de motorista. Apos minha segunda reprovação, o examinador "explicou" assim: "Você não teve erros técnicos e eu me senti tranquilo do seu lado. Mas ainda não. Não dessa vez." Sorriu de orelha a orelha e me cumprimentou. Eu enfiei a viola no saco e sai arrastando as sandálias e a moral .

Esse tipo de atitude/exigência dos holandeses me esgota. Então você tem que fazer diversos movimentos na água, flutuar, mergulhar e enfiar a cabeça na água ANTES de aprender a nadar ? Tem que ter a destreza de quem tem experiência de anos no trafego ANTES de adquirir a carteira de motorista ? Falar algum holandês razoável ANTES de começar o curso básico ? Ler tudo sobre partos e ter total confianca na hora de parir em casa (eu fui assim, hehehe) ? Tsc, tsc, tsc. Por isso que ha tanto suicídio, gente que se aposenta por stress e pira total. Vou te contar, o caboclo tem que ser mentalmente muito forte pra não o pirar por aqui, viu ?

Não pensem que eu fiquei um tiquinho abalada com essa estória. Meu marido ta praticamente cagando e andando, meu filho pergunta pra gente quando ele vai poder entrar numa piscina de novo. Então eu to legal (e tenho coisas BEM mais serias pra me preocupar, como meu trabalho). Mas meus pais ficaram totalmente confusos. Alguns amigos também. Dizem que uma criança pode aprender a fulturar bem rapidinho, não precisa esperar tres meses pra um novo teste. E eu agora ultimamente me pego defendendo o lado do examinador. Vejo como eu relativizo tudo mais e mais nos últimos anos. Por isso que meu blog as vezes soa "em cima do muro". Eu estou entre duas culturas. Acho que estou mudando de lado e virando holandesa. Deve ser alguma mutação genética. Help !

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Ladies Bar

Yesterday I have been in Amsterdam and spotted these girls drinking together, chatting and listening to some music. But what EXACTLY is that ? Photograph made, today I searched for some info in the net. And then before writing this post I remembered that years ago I had already seen such a thing - in movement - in Utrecht. They were a group of about 12 students mounted in huge bike on the streets. So much fun ! Check the site and click on "foto's" or clik here for a slide show while the link lasts.
Ontem quando fui dar um rolê em Amsterdam vi essas "aburridas" aí bebendo e batendo papo ao solzinho. Gente que é isso ? Fui fazer uma foto e busquei hoje a explicação na internet. Aí que me lembrei ter visto semelhante bicicleta em Utrecht, há anos atrás. A cidade tem muitos estudantes e eles estavam celebrando o final do ano letivo numa mega bike para 10 ou doze pessoas e tinha um maluquinho no meio conduzindo o treco. Essa rosinha e' uma variante do mesmo princípio. Só que para luluzinhas. De uma olhada em e clique em "foto's" ou se quiser ver um slide show clica aqui rapidinho enquanto o link durar.
Esses holandeses...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Nine Streets

The Museum Shop
In the Netherlands you always can find in the main shopping boulevards the most important Dutch and international brands - and in Amsterdam it is not different. The most popular and largest is the Kalverstraat with 150 shops. Other important shopping streets in A'dam are the Leidsestraat, PC Hoofdstraat, Utrechtsestraat (wow!), Haarlemmerstraat (lo-ve-ly) and many more. I will be talking in this post about one of the trendiest areas, with very special shops: The Nine Little Streets (de 9 straatjes).
Nas principais cidades holandesas de médio e grande porte há sempre um boulevard de compras onde as mais importantes e populares lojas (holandesas e internacionais) podem ser encontradas. Amsterdam não é diferente. A mais importante loja de compras (fechada para tráfego) se encontra aí e chama-se Kalverstraat, com mais de 150 lojas. Outras ruas muito importantes em Amsterdam são a PC Hoofdstraat, Leidsestraat, Utrechsestraat (sapatos, livros, restaurantes, móveis), Haarlemmestraat (adorável, muitas lojas de alimentos) e muitas outras. Mas esse post é para falar especificamente sobre a área das "9 ruazinhas". É uma area muito pitoresca e com lojinhas bem diferentes.
Marlies Dekkers: fabulous lingerie

Terra: Mediterranean clay pots, plates and bowls

De 9 Straatjes are a group of pictoresque side streets from the Prinsengracht, de Keizersgracht the Herengracht and the Singel in the center of Amsterdam. Together they form in the western part of the ring of canals a neighbourhood with many, many small and different little shops and restaurants.
La Parisienne: vintage jewellery

I consider this the most charming shopping spot in Amsterdam: nine small parallel streets on both sides of a canal , linked by postcard-pretty little bridges that are normally lined with bikes "parked" by most shoppers. The first floor of practically any building is occupied by a shop or a café; you will find everything, from an antique shop (Fifties-Sixties), 1940s-1950s vintage clothes (Laura Dolls), the best of Belgian design and Viktor & Rolf interior objects (H.J.Van de Kerkhof, 9-11 Wolvenstraat, in this location since 1939 and specialising in curtains and drapes), home design (Ozenfant, 3-5 Huidenstraat), cosmetics (Skins Cosmetics) and cakes (Pompadour) to the best cheese shop in Amsterdam (De Kaaskamer) and Brix Food'n Drink , a stylish cafeteria serving only snacks. De Negen Straatjes neighbourhood has been there for more than 300 years.
Aqui se acha de tudo, e tudo muito charmoso. Lojas de queijos, cosméticos, móveis, padaria e papelaria com gravuras e reproduções de importantes pinturas holandesas, cortinas e puxadores de cortina, cafés... Acho tudo bem gracioso e de ótima qualidade. Parque de diversões para a mulherada: objetos para enfeitar a casa e enfeitar-se pessoalmente; bolinhos, mini-tortas e queijinhos especiais. Mesmo quando estava 100% sem grana e passava pela área eu já ficava contente de "lavar as vistas" só olhando vitrine.
De Kaaskamer: The best cheese shop in Amsterdam

Bread, furniture, Belgian fashion and much more.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mini-interview # 5: Kati De Jong

We go up now, almost to the North Pole. I think for the next interview I have to post someone from the South hemisphere, for the contrast. Kati preferred not to pose for a photo. Helaas, pindakaas.

1) Who are you ?
My name is Kati and I come from Finland. But I have lived my entire "adult-life" in the Netherlands. It was my Dutch boyfriend who made me moving here. After au pairing for a year in Wassenaar I decided to stay in the country for a bit longer and start my International Business and Management studies in Amsterdam. At the the time I did not speak Dutch fluently yet, so I chose a study that was offered in the English language. Studying in the Netherlands was an interesting experience, a complete different approach than the one I was used to. Slowly but surely I learned the Dutch language and found a job in the Human Resources field of an international company close by home. I loved it and decided to go for a career in HR when I would graduate. Now, years later I am still working in HR and really enjoy it. Since I am a proud mother of a 1 year old baby boy I have chosen to work part-time 3 days a week. I am very grateful that it is possible here in the Netherlands.

2) What brought you to the NL ?
You can blame my husband !

3) What do you miss the most about your home country ?
I come from Finland where there are four seasons that really differ from each other (cold and snowy winter, dry and warmer summer, etc.). I miss that a lot. Sometimes I feel it is a long autumn here in the Netherlands as it is often grey and rainy. I also miss some Finnish food, such as rye bread and Fazer chocolate... I always have to explain myself in the luggage check at the airport on my way back home from Finland -with 30 rye bread loaves in my bag !

4 ) What is the best personal experience about living in the NL ? The worst ?
I like the Dutch tolerance and the fact that so many nationalities are represented in this small country. I think that's such a richness and that's where Finland definitely has a learning point ! I also love the architecture and the fact that ther are so many beautiful oldcities and villages. Of course there are also things that took me a long time to get used to such as the Dutch birthday traditions, which I still find very awkward...

5) Would you have advices for expats who have just arrived in the NL ?
Learn the Dutch language. Dutch people all speak English so it is not your primary need. But you will notice that it (speaking Dutch) will make you life easier, and most importantly, more interesting as that is the only way to really get into the Dutch society.

Anita's comments:
I think if you come from Finland you do not experience a big cultural shock. Being blond and blue eyed you also blend with the locals immediately. I can relate to your feelings about Dutch birthday celebrations too. Why the guests congratulate everyone present in the party, one by one and looking into the eyes, is a mystery to me. The pies are kept in a paper box in the kitchen and are served before the appetizers. Guest may come in different schedules. So confusing everything. Btw, being a mom like you I also love the opportunity of working partime !
Well, thanks a lot for your time and interview Kati. I do appreciate that.
Interest in making delicious rye bread ? Check:

Also check why Finnish rye-bread is so special visiting this site:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chemtrails [Trilhas Químicas]

Talk about obsession: I can't stop taking pics of everything around me. There is inspiration for a post in everywhere. I just arrived home and looked up to the skies and... voilà ! Lots of chemtrails, making a web = idea for a new post. Because I do believe in conpiracies. I do, I do, I do. If you do not know what I am talking about check this site: or go to google, there are lots of films and info about it. I think the purpose of it is to weaken our immunity system. By the way, if you can read in Dutch check this:

Pode falar que eu estou obcecada em sair fazendo fotos a rodo. Eu encontro inspiração para post em todo lugar. Chego em casa de viagem, olho pro céu e... voilà ! Cheio de rastros químicos (chemtrails). É claro que eu sou do tipo que acredita em organizações secretas, planos para dominar o mundo, conspirações e tudo mais. Se você não tem nem idéia do que eu estou falando busquem no google sobre "trilha química". Sim leitor, trilha química: spray de materiais sobre as populações do mundo todo, feitos por aviões comerciais pra não dar na pinta. Não confunda com as "Contrails" (vapor de condensação que surge com o ar quente das turbinas, em raras ocasiões quando o clima está em certo estado favorável). As chemtrails são a arma para a ... de população do planeta ? aumento de cânceres ? espalhar vírus de gripes ? abaixar as defesas do sistema imunológico ? Toda segunda-feira o ataque é feito no Brasil todo, transformando a atmosfera em uma névoa tóxica inacreditável. Na Holanda vejo todo santo dia, especialmente mais às quartas-feiras. ISSO E' MUITO PREOCUPANTE !!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back ! [De volta pra Tamancolandia]

I think Rio International Airport is the only one I have ever seen with a chapel. Pray before you fly.

Greetings from Sao Paulo # 7: Melissa

Plastic shoes or objects of desire ? Sculptural shoes and sandals which are a real statement: Melissa. More than 50 million pairs of shoes were sold the last 25 years and 20 million were exported from Brazil to the rest of the world. Alexandre Herchcovitch, Vivienne Westwood, Karim Rahid ("the King of Plastic"), Jean Paul Gaultier and Thierry Mugler and some of the many fashion designers that have already developed Melissa models. The possibilites of design for plastic shoes are fascinating.

The photo below is from the Concept Store in Sao Paulo (where else could it be ?). The facade changes every 6 months. In order to actually see the fruits on 3D you should wear special glasses freely distributed inside of the shop. The shop interior is also veeeery techno. I didn't feel inspired to acquiresome some though. I think I have worn too many "melissas" during my childhood, I have had my quota of it. Plastic is difficult to be broken down, thought there are many possibilitites of recycling.

If you wish to know more about Melissa click here while the link lasts.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Brazilian Wedding

There was a very special reason I went to Brazil with my family this year: my brothers' wedding. He is the youngest of we three and I do not see him much even when I am there. Too busy working, running his business and travelling around the country to visit cattle farms. So I cound't miss his wedding, could I ?
Uma razão especial para eu ter ido ao Brasil esse ano foi devido a festa de casamento do meu rimão. Ele e' o caçula e não o vejo com muita frequência. Como veterinário e dono da própria empresa ele está sempre ocupado, visitando fazendas, dando aulas e escrevendo artigos. Ela também muito ocupada com a residência medica. Eu não poderia faltar nesse momento.

Most weddings in Brazil happen in the church first, followed moments later by a reception. My brother wedded one day before the party, and then on a Saturday there was a religious service followed by a dinner and dancing. The figurines above the cake gave a retro touch to the cake. They were made from scratch by my father.
Os noivinhos em cima do bolo foram feitos pelo meu pai. Primeiro modelados em arame e depois preenchidos com durepóxi. A pintura foi o que demorou mais. Minha mãe fez o veuzinho.
And here are the loving pigeons:
Olha os pombinhos enamorados:

The sweets bellow were hand made and ordered specially for the party. Each one has a special name and some consisted of condensed milk and nuts, others are made of ganache with raisins, and others are fruits and caramel.

Docinhos modelados nunca faltam em casamentos brasileiros e na festa do meu "rimão" (hehehe) não seria diferente. Nunca vi esse hábito aqui na Holanda em casamentos ou festas em geral. Nem em festas para crianças há docinhos, apesar de eu sempre servir ao menos brigadeiro. Acho que devido à mão-de-obra que e caríssima por aqui. Ou simplesmente por que não tem a cultura de ingerir tanto açúcar como a gente tem no Brasil. Eles ficam nas tortas e sorvetes.

These mini cups are made of dark chocolate and are to be drunk with Porto or Rum.
Os copinhos de chocolate amargo foram feitos para receber licor. Gostei da ideia !

It is a Brazilian tradition that each guest shall take home a special sweet after the wedding party: "bem-casado" ("well-married"). It is packed one by one carefully in a special paper and tied up with a ribbon. It consists of two cakey lays glued together with a pudding cream. And these above are the "thank you" cards each guest received after the dinner.The illustration on the cards was made by my father, after a photo from the couple. yes, my father is a natural multi-talented guy... it runs in the family !
Além dos bem-casados os convidados também receberam esses cartões de agradecimento pela presença. Meu pai fez a ilustração a partir de uma foto do casal... super talentoso ele não ?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rio For Partiers

One great guide about Rio: "Rio for Partiers, Visual Travel Guide to Rio de Janeiro", by Cristiano Nogueira, Sol Cat Publishing. It is basically divided into three main parts: Daytime Activities (Relaxing/Sport/Cultural/Pricey/Rainy Day), NightTime Activites and a Food Guide. It has many, many fotos, illustrations and maps and the text is very informative and humourous.

In the end of the book you also find how to do business in Brazil, great destination close to Rio and z "Brazil at a Glance" chapter with tips of cities to visit. Fantastic !

Check for updates: