Monday, April 26, 2010

The Dutch Fields of Flowers

Yesterday we had a birthday party to attend in Vijfhuizen and then just like last year we decided to visit the famous fields of bulbs.
Ontem fomos a uma festinha de aniversário em Vijfhuizen e decidimos primeiro dar uma passada nos famosos campos de flores.

I took this photo from the car while in movement (no worry, I was not driving AND making pics, hohoho!).
Fiz essa foto acima enquanto meu marido dirigia (não se preocupem, eu não faço fotos enquanto dirijo !).

One drop of red in the middle of the yellow sea...
Um toque de vermelho no meio da mancha amarela...

Tulips / Tulipas

While driving from one field to the other we noticed this mosaic with aViking ship.
And we spotted on the far horizon something like a Viking Ship. We decided to take the car in order to park further. And because some streets were blocked we had to walk the rest of the way.
Vimos bem ao longe algo que se parecia com um barco viking. Decidimos ir até mais perto de carro e depois tivemos que andar um pouco, pois a avenida de acesso estava bloqueada. O clima seco, eu estava de pó até as orelhas !
Lots of tourists and photographers on the way to the Viking Boat...

There it is ! But with so many people in front of it, you need to be patient to make your own photos.

It is a looooot of work covering a whole ship with flowers. You have no idea- and it smells incredibly good!!
Gente, que trabalho e que perfeição. Cobrir um navio todinho com flores e' coididoido, viu ?
Psst! Se vc quiser saber mais sobre paisagens holandesas da uma olhada no post que eu escrevi pro blog Brasil com Z aqui.

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