Thursday, January 14, 2010

Medical Scandal of the Century

The photo above was made by me.
It is an article featured on the first page of Sp!ts newspaper, 12th Januari 2010. It says:

European Union chef: "The Griep was Not a Pandemia"
PVV wants to start a debate about "The Scandal of The Century"

Remember this old post ?

The media -worldwide - have always made a huge circus around the H1N1 virus.

Just a few cases in a country and the local and international media were announcing it as the beginning of a "pandemia". What a disservice. The press wanted to stimulate fear among citizens in order to create the false need of taking vaccinations. A vaccine that was not enough tested and that we do not know for sure what the consequences and effects are.

Holland bought millions of such vaccine, enough for two dosis (two: deux, II, dos, 1+1, twee) for each citizen. The pharmaceutical industry got millions, BILLIONS of profits.

I was very criticised by family members and acquaintaces who have heard my real opinion about this laboratorium developed disease and its crap vaccine. My intuition proved to be right though. I have heard from Dutch people that "if the Dutch government had decided it was good prevention (taking the vaccine) then it was indeed good". And that I was reacting against government advices was probably because I had "...come from a country were citizens were very suspicious of their government's decisions".

"De grootste vijand van de waarheid is het onbedachtzame respect voor autoriteiten." - Albert Einstein

Anyone, any thoughts on that ?

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