Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Salted Caramel Spread

This caramel spread is called in French la crème caramel au beurre salé and it seems to me to be one of the food items that French people miss the most when living abroad. It is so simple to prepare and probably you have already the ingredients right now at your home: butter, sugar and cream. Because I am not going to spend vacations in France this year (and I do not want to bother my in laws asking them to buy some delicacy items for me) I decided to investigate on the net a recipe for salted caramel spread. Here it goes:

300g sugar
50g water
240g butter
5g salt
200g cream

Place the sugar and water in a pan and cook on low heat until you get a golden brown caramel. Do not overmix or your sugar will crystallize.
Cut the butter in samll pieces and add it little by little while gently stirring with a wooden spoon. Be careful, the misture is very hot, it sizzles and might spit.

Add the salt (if you are not employing salted butter) and cook for two minutes. Take the pan off the heat and add the prewarmed cream. Mix until well combined.

Pour into jars and let cool. Close them well.
(Do not worry if the final result is a bit too liquidy. When in the refrigerator, it will solidify a bit - believe me. With this recipe I could fill three - previously sterilized - pots.  Keep it in the fridge so that your confiture has a beautiful, spreadable consistency.)

Above, the last pot. Cake and caramel spread, anyone ?

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