Thursday, July 22, 2010


Mouthing off is not encouraged...

And life...well as long as your crewkin lives, you are to live too, but if your ship does not survive and members of your crew die with it...
...when the ship ceases, all are to cease... mine did, I am Renna...

and you make it back to the space colony still breathing air and having your heart pumping blood...

...well the company will step in and EXPECT you to do the right thing. All my other crewkin, who'd survived, complied, taking the suicide company rider...but I chose life defying the powers that be at the Markham Corporation.

Soon I was too well for the Company to allow my insubordination to go unaddressed. I was called to the main conference room and ushered in by the intimidating Markham Guardians.

The room was huge, open, and demoralizing. I knew I had to remain calm and professional, at all cost...

...but then the hatch door opened and she entered. Alien, I thought, and so very different from those that had been my crewkin. I felt my hands clasp. Had I not been well trained, a space crewkin through and through, I might have let my escalating revulsion and something far more basic, fear, show on my young face. My ship and the rest of my kin were dead. This creature expected me to do the honorable thing and follow them into death without defiance, but I wanted to live.
The creature moved further into the room, and I knew I was about to fight an uphill battle against something that for just a second reminded me of, and was this possible, a snake?
Join Renna When Rhobin L. Coutright's Novel CREWKIN, cover designed by Muse's own Cover Art Goddess Delilah K. Stephans, is released from the Premier Canadian Publishing House Muse It Up Publishing.

Click on the link below to be taken directly to Muse It Up Publishing where it's Publisher Lea Schizas has many surprises waiting for all of you as the October 1, 2010 Coming Out celebration approaches.

And what surprises does Lea have in store?

How about FIVE...yep could em' FIVE premiere novels...and more...but you'll have to follow the link to learn what the more is...

Meet Lea, her partner, Marketing Director Litsa Kamateros, Rhobin L. Courtright, the five authors coming out on October 1, 2010, all the other talented authors waiting to follow these five in dazzling you...and the surprises...Oh How I wish I could tell you what THEY are...but I can tell you, you will LOVE what Lea and Litsa have in store...and why do I know that?
Well because I am part of this incredible event and our motto tells you so much about who we are...
~Building the Team To Achieve the Dream~
Join us and be a part of something so much bigger than any dream you and I could have ever imagined, but thankfully Lea and Litsa DID.

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