Monday, March 16, 2009

[Il] legal

Different countries, different laws.

I was so surprised when I started to get acquainted with the levels of (in) tolerance of this country, it took me years to adapt to new concepts of forbidden, allowed, and tolerated.
There are certain things in Holland that are in theory forbidden but the Dutch pretend they do not see it. They call it "gedogen" (in Brazil we would call it "fazer vista grossa").

I will clarify you the different levels of acceptance of some activities below. What I say herebelow is based on what I have read on newspapers, watched on TV, read in books about Holland. Please bear in mind I am not a law specialist or similar !

Drugs: the rule is "the consumption of illegal drugs is not forbidden; the possession of illegal drugs is forbidden". Understood it ? Me neither.

Illegal foreigner: staying illegal in Holland is criminal only when someone is unwillingly a foreigner. Got it ? Me neither.

Sex with animals: this is not a criminal activity, as long as the animal does not suffer (animal mistreating is forbidden, though). Hummm, I guess is very diffcult to prove that an animal actually suffered with sex with humans. Holland therefore is the biggest producer of films of sex with animals in the world.

Suicide: Commiting suicide is not a criminal activity. On the other hand, helping other(s) to commit suicide is criminal. Dear readers, here goes a piece of advice: it means that when someone is feeling down it is better to cheer him/her up. Do not come up always with conversations such as "Life is a bitch", "the world sucks", "the whole human kind is rotten", etc..

Escape of prison: not a criminal activity. Every prisoner will try to do ir. But, of course, helping others to escape prison is criminal. And the prisoner will loose his rights of occasional freedom.

Plan an attack: against people, groups of people, monuments etc. is not criminal. You are free to think about things, although you CANNOT put your letal, destructive, harmful (whatever) plans into practice. You cannot start preparations to put your mean thoughts into practice either, such as making bombs, buying ropes, torture instruments, etc.. Well, this law seems obvious to me.

Pheeeew ! I hope I did not make the readers more confused than I am (was). Well dear readers, I guess this post gave you some food for thought !

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