Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter ! (Vrolijk Pasen) [Feliz Pascoa]

(Leia como os holandeses celebram a Pascoa clicando aqui.)

My Easter celebration was like that :
A friend who lives in Alkmaar passed by on Friday and brought me daffodils. I love splashes of yellow in my living room !

I have bought these flower arrangements at the local supermarket. The box with chocolates was a present from another friend who had passed by last week.

This afternoon we visited my in-laws. In their backyard pie and ice tea were served...

For those following my blog for a while, my sister in law is not new around here.
And her husband arrived later, during the end of the afternoon bringing his mother. Yep, just in time for some caipirinhas as apperitif. My in laws will drink caipirinhas all year long, before a Christmas dinner, during parties and barbecues. During formal and informal occasions. (Actually, Brazilians people will not do that !)
His mother has passed the 90 y. old. Her first impression with a caipirinha: "Mmmm... lekker fris, hoor ! Mag ik straks nog meer ?" (Fresh & delicious. May I have some more ?). She dispensed the straw and drank it all at once.

While the kids were looking for chocolate eggs hidden in the backyard, the grown ups started preparing the table for the early dinner.

What's on the Easter menu ? After a cold velouté d'asperges (asparagus soup) I have prepared and served in small glasses we inaugurated my in laws tepanyaki grill plate with courgette and fish/shrimps. I marinated the salmon and the cod in sesame oil, garlic, lemmon juice, mustard and some parsley.

My father in law pauses for a caipirinha.
And my mother in law finds such an occasion an opportunity to use her French vintage plates. Sooo cute.
My s.i.l prepared a salad with mango and wine sauce that made the perfect side dish. Some more aioli, bread and rose' wine please !
There were still some spare ribs in the fridge but my mother in law started saying: "Should we go for more ? There is also a dessert brought by Anna". To which I replied: "To the hell with the dessert, bring the real food to the table ! Yes, spare ribs please !" But then the rest started saying: "Er... it is okay." It is always like that, I have an impression that Dutch people prepare too little food for guests. On the other way, when they go to Brazil they get extremely happy and satisfied from seeing so much is served and offered.

The weather has been great for this time of the year. Almost a summerish sphere !
Well, that's how the Dutch celebrate their Easter (or sort of): a discreet brunch or late lunch with the family. The eggs are tiny and brought by the Easter bunny - but also chickens are a strong symbol during this time of the year. My in laws are not religious - so no mass or rigid rituals.

How was your Easter ?

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