Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mini-interview # 7: Aledys Ver

Aledys Ver in Cordoba, Argentina
Above: Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires. Below: asado, Puerto Madero. Both photos made by me.

Today we are going to the South Hemisphere, to the land of parrilladas and tango, to talk to a true cordobesa: Aledys Ver.

Aledys, tell us about you.
I come from Córdoba, a large city in Argentina. I have been living in the Netherlands since 2003 when I moved here after marrying a “Hollander”. Back home I used to work for an Argentinean/British cultural organization and as a teacher of English. Here in Holland I do freelance work as a translator and SLT (Second Language Teaching) consultant.
I am author of a brand new blog called “From Argentina to the Netherlands, for love!” in which I try to present my views of life here in the Netherlands, promote all the beautiful places that I have so far been able to visit in the country and also share things and show places about my native country, Argentina.
Among my favourite things I can mention reading, learning foreign languages, learning about different cultures and places around the world and taking photos.

And why did you come to the NL ?
I came to the Netherlands following my husband, who is Dutch. I always thought that one day I might end up living abroad; in fact, I spent some time living in Britain due to my studies, but I never ever thought I’d end up in Holland!

How difficult was it for you to adapt to the Dutch culture ?
Not much, really. Argentinean and Dutch lifestyles are not strikingly different which was an advantage, really. I still do find certain aspects of life here difficult to accept, but by now I think I’ve worked them out in some way.
The most difficult part has been, and still is, being so far away from my family and my friends. I go to Argentina and spend 2 months every year over there, but I still miss my country a lot.

What do you like most about Dutch life ?
I think the Netherlands is a beautiful country. The landscapes are incredible, the architecture is wonderful and I love its old cities as well as the little quaint villages and town. Life here in Holland runs smoothly, here you CAN take things for granted, almost everything works properly and efficiently. I also like some of the most typical characteristic of Dutch society: hard-work, perseverance, tolerance, determination to achieve a goal.
Among the things I don’t like so much, I could mention the weather (how original of me) and sometimes, I find Dutch straight-forwardness or bluntness hard to put up with.

I think Argentina has a great cuisine, a mix of Spanish with Italian and other minor influences. What about the Dutch cuisine, how do you like it ?
I can’t say I love Dutch cooking, no… Food has been one of the big issues for me, but thank God not anymore. As they say in the Army, “Courage and Resignation” – it’s become my motto now ;)

After years living in the NL, do you see your own country with different eyes ?
Definitely. I can say that I have come to value many things that I just took for granted when I was still living there. I also notice more markedly all the things that normally go wrong in my country and why they go wrong. When I am there, I sometimes wish things were more like in the Netherlands; while when I am here, I wish things and especially people, were more like in Argentina.

Any advice for expats who are trying to adapt to a life in the NL ?
Try to accept that things are different here and that this is not necessarily something bad. Try to be flexible and tolerant. Mix with natives, other expats, people of your own nationality. Try to find aspects of the country or of the culture that you like and do something with that. In my case, touring the country a little whenever I can, writing about the country in my blog and showing out there on the net through my pictures how beautiful Holland is, has made me like this country and my life here even more.

Recoleta Cemetery, B.A., Argentina. One of the poshiest cemeteries in the world. Photos above and below by me.

La Iglesia del Sagrado Corazon, de los padres Capuchinos, Cordoba, Argentina (photo Aledys Ver)

La Iglesia de los Capuchinos, reflected in Buen Pastor Complex, Cordoba, Argentina (photo Aledys Ver)

El Paseo del Buen Pastor, Cultural Complex, downtown Cordoba (photo: Aledys)

Querida E.S., gracias por enviarme las fotografias, por el texto, todo tu esfuerzo y corazon abierto !

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