Monday, October 5, 2009

Thank you America !

I think the images say it all.
I decided one of these days to make a special dinner for my kids. They are not complicated at all, I must say. I just decided to make something ... mmm funky. Instead of regular sausages I used soy sausages. My family is already used to full grain spaghetti - but of course you can use your regular spaghetti. Cook it as usual , strain it carefully and add your favourite sauce. I kept it simple with homemade tomato sauce + fresh herbs and some grated cheese.

But why is the title of this post a "thank you" to America ? Well, guys... for some inexplicable reason I am huge (everything is relative) in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago - and I have to say that I know nobody there ! I have no connections with the States, never lived there but I do post some comments in American blogs so maybe this is the reason for more pageloads.

My blog is mostly read in the Netherlands (50%). Then in a good second place comes Brazil (21%), followed by the USA (10%), Portugal (5%) and United Kingdom (3%). Brazilians are the most generous about posting comments - and most of my texts are in English. Dutch people access my blog A LOT but never ever post a comment. Ils sont fous ces bataves. Yeah... blogland is a strange world.
Once more: thanks America for reading my blog !

"Holy atomic pile ! I'm feeling hungry Batman !"
"Of course Robin. Even crime-fighters must eat. And especially you. You're a growing boy and you need your nutrition".

Oi leitores queridinhos e gente bronzeada ! As fotos já se explicam. Espetem com cuidado - mas sem medo - espaguete cru nas salsichinhas (eu usei salsicha feita de soja, to tentando da uma maneirada no consumo de proteína animal),coloquem para cozinhar normalmente, escorram e acrescentem o molho favorito. Eu fiz um molho de tomate com ervas verdes e acrescentei um pouco de queijo ralado. A massa eu usei do tipo integral, minha família ta super acostumada. Eu tinha visto umas fotos no blog Rainhas do Lar há muito tempo atrás mostrando o passo a passo e dia desses resolvi fazer pros meus pimpolhos. Eles não são nem um pouquinho complicados para comer e amaram a idéia. Voltando ao assunto do espaguete muito doido: dou a maior forca pra vocês tentarem esse macarrão em casa. Meu marido quando viu as minhas fotos achou hilário !

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