Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hera Comes Calling!

Hi my name is Hera and I am Queen of Mt. Olympus. Recently, the Gods have been hit by financial trouble. So, we've had to come down to Earth and actually work for a living. Most of the others didn't really mind it. But this was terrifying for me. I was so afraid to place my sandal clad feet upon the soil and actually work among humans.

You see, I have a reputation. This rep has been earned over eons, whether I deserved it or not. Thanks to my philandering ex, Zeus, the world knows me as this vindicative shrew. I couldn't be more different, but I got the reputation anyway. So what to do? I don't want people knowing who I am.

Then the light of Apollo's sun hit me. Change my name. Live like a human. So I did. I took the name Heather Juno and bought myself a little place in Vermont. And, since I am the Goddess of Childbirth, I decided to become a midwife. Now no one knows who I am and people trust me to make decisions. It's great.

Or it was until I met this very strange woman named Kat Holmes who decided she had to tell my story. Now, my peaceful world is being turned upside down by not just one man, but two. Like my ex Zeus wasn't enough of a hassle. So now I'm stuck in the middle of two drop dead sexy men who are mortal and have no idea who I am. What could possibly go wrong? PLENTY!

But I'll say this for her, Kat described me really well. In fact, here's a picture she used as a model for how I'd look.

Pretty nice huh? And she just got mock-ups for the cover. I can't wait till you see what her talented cover artist, Missy Lyons did. She totally captured me. And the two guys? Well all I can say is sizzle sizzle! At least if I have to be stuck in this mess I'm stuck in it with hot guys.

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