Monday, November 29, 2010


Sometimes I worry about the future. Life can be so unfamiliar. When I start to get scared, I think about my brother, and then I remember, he's the funniest kid I know. He will tell you what he likes, we have normal conversations, he isn't afraid to hug real tight, and he isn't always well behaved. When he was born we all went silent. Those seemed some of our darkest days.I didn't know anything about Downs Syndrome. I was sure people would avoid us, that I would say something wrong, that people would whisper retarded, and that he would be loud, and scary. What if his only emotion was happy go lucky? Joel was just an innocent baby, born with all our fears to bear. Before the age of one he put us at ease. At six he provides comedic relief. You would think that with all his accomplishments, my worries would cease to exist. These days, I think about his future. I selfishly feel glad that Josh knows what to do, that he reminds of us of the possibilities. Joel challenged all my stereotypical ideals. Turns out he isn't one dimensional. He can be a total rebel, his favorite music is the blues, he isn't always agreeable, and don't even think about making fun of him. After all the worry wears off, I think about my little brother, I can't imagine life without him. He is the glue that keeps us together, if he knows it, he'll never let on.

Lesson #40: Challenge all the stereotypes

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