Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You know you have been in the NL for too long when...

My comments are in between parentheses.

1. You have a bike. (I have actually 2)
2. You even know how to brake using retropedaling. (I don't)
3. Walking from your faculty to the cafeteria has become unimaginable. You take your bike, even if it's for 50meters. (Even if is for 25 meters)

4. Eating 7 slides of bread for lunch doesn't scare you anymore. (Oh yes, it does !)
5. By the way, you stopped eating warm lunch. You just eat bread. (NO way !)
6. You know what a kroket is, and you learned to avoid the orange ones. (What's wrong with orange ?)
7. It doesn't surprise you anymore to eat at 18:30. (I think it's a healthy time)
8. You drink beer. (Among other things...)
9. You got used to trance and electro music. (I don't think so...)
10. You don't cheat on the train, because controllers are EVERYWHERE. (I have learned my lesson)

11. When the cafeteria is crowed, you line up neately with the others. (ALWAYS)  
12. You used to use cash all the time, but now you have a pin card. (Of course)
13. You think ducks are cute. (Veeeery cute !)
14. As soon as the sun pops out, you make a barbecue, even if it's 10°C outside. (If it's dry, yep !)
15. You think 15°C is warm (C'mon !)
16. You know winter stops in May, and not March as everywhere else. (A-hem !)
17. You don't remember what a moutain looks like. (Umm... I think I still do.)
18. You still don't know how to speak Dutch. But your English has improved. (It is always improving)
19. You know what Surinam is. And where it is. (Maybe bordering Belize ? Bangladesh ?  Brazil ?)

20. You never go out without your bike lights. (Otherwise I get a 60 euro fine, damned !)
21. You think butter in a bottle is normal. (Isn't it ?)
22. You've been to a flower park, and thought it was cool. (It was)
23. You're ok with having only one flavour of ice cream : the white ones. (Sooo sad!)
24. You don't even bother to ask "do you speak English?", you just speak English right away. (Actually I am ashamed of doing that. Really, some Dutch people can't English).
25. When you go to the cinema, you are ok with being told where to sit.
26. And you wouldn't dare sit anywhere else. (Humpf.)
27. You have finally accepted the fact that Gouda is cheese. (and a very good one)
28. Paying 6€ for a meal in the cafeteria seems normal.
29. You know how to repair a bike. (no)

30. You eat potatoes at least once a day. (Hahaha!)
31. You always check the weather before leaving home. (the day before, actually) 
32. You know what it is being late and having to wait for a boat to cross the bridge. (you tell me...)
33. You can drink milk at any time of the day. (ugh!)
34. Sometimes, you only drink milk as lunch. (no, no, no !)
35. You have tried karnemelk at least once. (a long time ago... does it count ?)
36. You start liking dropjes. (they taste to plastic and insects. No thanks.)
37. For you something sweet means stroopwaffels.

40. Spring means flowers blooming and construction sites opening up all over the place.
41. Being tall gets a new meaning. (I used to be considered relatively tall in Brazil. Don't laugh - I'm not kidding)
42. Blonde is back to being a hair-color, not a concept. (check) 
43. you have 4 seasons in one day. (check)
44. you can start a mail to your teacher who happens to be a doctor by "yo, wassup doc". (exaggeration. I can get the message though)
45. You think that paying to use the toilets is normal. (up to 50 cents - it's ok)

I have seen these remarks above in Cuca's blog - who in her turn has seen in someone elses'.
If you are a foreigner living in Holland please feel free to comment/agree/disagree on the remarks above !

(to be continued...)

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