Thursday, March 10, 2011

Round Structures, Amsterdam North

Somewhere in Amsterdam North, nearby Landsmeer and surrounded by water...

Such round buildings call the attention of passers-by. I think they are for elderly people, but I am not so sure. Cool or not ?  I guess you have a problem when trying to place shelves and/or a cupboard against the wall...

Odd, odder, the oddest. Do not ask me what this is, I can just speculate about it. It was not made for a living and it goes nowhere. Durig years and years it is just there, nearby the round structures pictured above,  moving around according to the wind direction.  It has no practical function and maybe it works as a decorative piece on the landscape. People on the bus stop nearby now and then talk about it and change impressions. Some people are deeply irritade about it, others are amused by such nonsense.

One thing is for sure: the birds find it pretty and enjoy it a lot !

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